
From 28ffi February to 1st March 2024, 120 international events at Rimini Expo Centre including the next G7 Energy and Environment's side event: "Scaling-Up a sustainable electrification Africa, for Africa with Africa" RIMINI, Italy, Feb. 22, 2024 /PRNewswire/ -"KEY-The Energy Transition Expo, Italian Exhibition Group's (IEG) European benchmark trade show on energy transition and efficiency scheduled in Italy, at Rimini Expo Centre. from 28th February to 1st March. is about to start," the Group's CEO, Corrado Peraboni, announced. TALIAN EXHIBITION GROUP Providing the future "At its second edition." said Alessandra Astolfi. IEG global exhibition director. "the show will also offer world-class events, defined by the Technical-Scientific Committee directed by Gianni Silvestrini." Christian Previati, KEY exhibition manager: "We have exceeded all expectations with 800 companies, +15% of foreign brands and +25% more international buyers from Germany. Spain. France, Holland, Belgium, United Kingdom, Eastern Europe. the Balkans, Turkey, Africa. M iddle East, Latin America and Central Asia." 120 events scheduled "KEY Energy Summit" will begin the international programme with Alessandro Marangoni presenting the Althesys study "System govemance, the key to transition': a coordinated strategy for renewables, storage and grids to decarbonise Italy; the same meeting will include proposals from the ANEV. ANIE Rinnovabili, Assoidroelettrica, CIB, Coordinamento Free, Elettricità Futura, Federldroelettrica, Italia Solare associations. Simultaneous Italian-English translation available. From 29th February to March "Scaling-Up a sustainable electrification Africa, for Africa with Africa". the side event of the upcoming G7 Energy and Environment that will bring European industry leaders and representatives of African countries to KEY. An international two-day event, organised by RES4Africa, focusìng on North African countries and sub-Saharan regions: the theme will be innovative strategies to balance energy security and sustainability, innovation for a fair energy transition, and de-risking tools to accelerate investments for sustainable electrification (event in English, with simultaneous translation in French and Italian). On Thursday 29th February, the presentation, with simultaneous Italian-English translation, of the new edition of the 'Supply Chains of the Future' report. promoted by Symbola Foundation and IEG. in collaboration with trade Associations. And ''EUPD Research Conference Session I Addressing the Challenges of Europe's Solar & Storage Boom", on the latest trends and technologies, in English on Friday rt March, organised by International Battery & Energy Storage AllianceI BESA. A partial list that already proves KEY's international scope: the complete programme on the following link.

In Italy, 800 brands for Key-The Energy transition expo: global industry on the future of energy |

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