
The fourth Made in Italy Innovation Report tells 100 stories, ranging from the great centers of international excellence, to firms, and to the passion for robotics of the new generation · Realacci and Starace: "100 experiences that demonstrate that Italy can meet any challenge, even the most technologically advanced, without forgetting the importance of research in creating an economy and society on a human scale" Rome, February 5 th , 2020 - From domestic robots to space robots. 100 Italian stories from south to north that tell of technologies ready to improve people's lives: innovations applied to daily activities, healthcare, industry and research. It is the country described by Enel and the Symbola Foundation in the fourth report on Made in Italy innovation "100 Italian Robotics and Automation Stories". The study was presented today in Rome by the President of the Symbola Foundation, Ermete Realacci, and Enel CEO, Francesco Starace. " The intuition and experience gained through our relationship with Enel confirm that if you look at Italy with different eyes you will discover things that others may not perceive, " said Ermete Realacci , President of the Symbola Foundation. " This is also true for robotics, which already contributes to major Made in Italy supply chains such as food products, fashion, wood products and furniture, and mechanical engineering.

Enel and Symbola foundation present “100 Italian robotics and automation stories": examples of Italian excellence in research and technology |

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