
18 MAY 2021

US Time:11.00 – 12.20/  Italy Time: 17.00 – 18.20

Maritime Infrastructures: environmental sustainability and public health challenges

Promote good practices in the standardization of technologies, methods and materials in order to reduce the impact on the environment


Antonio Nanni, PhD, PE  Professor & Chair of the Department of Civil, Architectural & Environmental Engineering University of Miami

Welcome remarks
Cristiano Musillo  Consul General of Italy
Nicolette Brent  Her Majesty’s Consul General
Juan Kuryla, PPM  Director and CEO, PortMiami
Marco Frey  Professor & Chairman, Symbola Foundation Scientific Committee

Case studies: innovative technologies for a sustainable future
Marine infrastructure: lessons learnt on resilience and sustainability

Danilo Nanni, PE Associate Principal Structural, Desimone Consulting Engineers
Mark Lee, PhD  Technical Director, HR Wallingford Ltd:
Roberto Bicchiarelli Business Development Manager and Lead Concept Designer (LCD), Permasteelisa North America
Giovanni Corbetta  General Manager, Ecopneus
Francesca Lovato  Customer Service & Technical Assistance foreign countries, Fassa Bortolo

Q&A and Break out Rooms
Closing and acknowledgments

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